Homemade Molasses Substitute Recipe

Homemade Molasses Substitute Recipe is an easy alternative to the commercial molasses and can be used for all recipes that call for it.

Usually molasses is used in many recipes that we make during Christmas. The gingerbread house, cookies, cake all use molasses for the amazing flavour it provides to the final dish. It is also easily available online in all bakery supplies store. Here is the Amazon link to the molasses if you don’t feel like making it at home.

Homemade Molasses Substitute Recipe

Molasses is a product derived while refining sugar. It is also an important ingredient in making the commercial brown sugar and can be easily substituted with jaggery or palm jaggery syrup. The syrup also renders sweetness to the dish it is added. So the jaggery syrup works very well.

I have used Jaggery powder for making the molasses substitute. You can also use the block jaggery or palm jaggery. If using them, make sure to strain the syrup to remove all the impurities. The jaggery syrup has a dark brown colour to it. Whereas the palm jaggery has much deeper colour, almost black and a deep flavour. So if you want a more flavourful substitute, then go for palm jaggery/ karupatti.

Homemade Molasses Substitute Recipe

You need to add lemon juice or vinegar so that it doesn’t crystalize after cooling down. You also shouldn’t refrigerate it as it will lead to crystallization. The syrup becomes too thick and set hard once cool. In that case place it in a bowl of hot a water and let the heat melt it a bit. You can then dilute the syrup with some hot water and then store it.

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